Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

DUI Poems

The Graduation I Will Never Forget

It was the summer of 1976
and, boy, was it hot that night
I wanted to go to the grad party
not knowing it would end up in fright

At first things were good
we all had so much fun
even though the end result
was it would be my last one

I had to go that night
to be with all the friends from school
It was the only thing at the end of the year
we all thought was so cool

The end of the night had come
everyone was leaving to go home
My boyfriend was too drunk to drive
so my sister I did phone

I parted with my man
with a big kiss goodnight
and we watched each other drive away
’til we were out of sight

I told my sister how things went
and how much fun I had
that is when things started to happen
and became really bad

I don’t remember what happened
there was not a lot of time
all I know is that a drunk driver
came through a stop sign

Was he at the party
the same one as I
or just some jerk out driving
drunk or maybe high

I was the one to pay the price
for someone who did not think
for now I am laying here dying
while he had one too many to drink

I only was a teenager
my life was not yet in bloom
and someone took it all away
took it way too soon

I left my sister, family, and my man
who are all grieving in pain
while this drunk man will get
to see his loved ones once again

So to all of you grads, take heed to what I say,
and if you’re at your party, in order to survive,
take care of yourself, your friends, loved ones:
Please don’t drink and drive.

© Juanita Bezanson, June 25, 2000,
in memory of her fiancé’s first love. All rights reserved.
(Author’s e-mail: snuggles_2u(at)

Another poem by Ms. Bezanson: The Baby I Never Took Home

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(Background and graphics from Kathie, kensey(at)