A senseless act by one so uncaring
reckless driving down a desolate highway.
An innocent car load a family with children
happily driving down a desolate highway.
A poison is present Infected the brain
of the noncaring driver on the desolate highway.
Going to Grandmas Driving all night
the kids are asleep on the desolate highway.
The driver is speeding clocked nearly at 90
with no sense of perception down the desolate highway.
Mama is sleeping while Daddy is driving
The moon softly shines over the desolate highway.
The poisoned driver reaches a bend
recklessly turns down the desolate highway.
Daddy is singing to help keep awake
he reaches a bend on the desolate highway.
In the blink of an eye with the turn of a wheel
two worlds collide on the desolate highway.
One world of peace one world of regret
thrust together on the desolate highway.
The children wake up along with their mother
instantly killed on the desolate highway.
The driver is thrown for no seatbelt was worn
look at his body on the desolate highway.
The father still lives he screams and he cries
his whole life was ended on that desolate highway.
Whats he to do Alone with two wrecks
4 bodies are strewn on the desolate highway.
The poison is there in the cab of the car
the ominous killer on the desolate highway.
© Megan Callahan (New Jersey) during the
National Youth Summit to Prevent Underage Drinking, May 10 to 13, 1997. All rights reserved. (Original web publication: http://www.health.org/ysummit/poems/poem.htm)