Move to No BAC:  Zero Tolerance For DUI

DUI Poems

Seven More "Don't Drink and Drive" Jingles from Wilma F. Dykstra

These jingles, written in the Burma-Shave road-sign style, make a total of 15 such jingles written by Mrs. Wilma F. Dykstra to help us remember the slogan, Don't Drink and Drive. A history of the Burma Shave campaign is given in Mrs. Dykstra's 1995 newspaper editorial, where she offered her eight original Don't Drink and Drive jingles (see link following the verses). Mrs. Dykstra's 14 year old grandson Mark Engle was killed on December 31, 1991, by an alcohol-impaired driver.

“You can't know ...
What Joy can be ...
Until you taste ...
Sobriety ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“The "friend" who gave ...
That "Farewell" drink ...
Is not as "caring" ...
As you think ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“Nothing you can ...
Do or say ...
Will ease heartaches ...
Caused yesterday ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“If you could give ...
Folks back their lives ...
Those flashbacks ...
Wouldn't so agonize ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“If you must drink ...
Don't take your car ...
Cab, Bus, Train, Air ...
Are safer...far ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“Our precious child ...
"Asleep forever" ...
Peaceful slumber for ...
His "killer"?  Never! ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.
“You had a ball ...
You quenched your crave ...
Then drove our grandson ...
To his grave ...
Don’t Drink & Drive.

© 2002; written by Wilma F. Dykstra (3/31/1922 to 7/7/2008). All Rights Reserved.

Mrs. Dykstra wrote in her 1995 editorial: “Signs could be put anywhere and everywhere—reminders of the cost of drunken driver accidents in lives lost, lives punished, and all the other crippling effects of drinking. We shouldn’t have to put up with it anymore. We miss our grandson very much and know there are many more like us who have suffered from this evil of drunken drivers on the road.”

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Learn more about Burma Shave signs:

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