DUI Poems

Think |
Why do you drink why can't you think
drinking can lead you to the grave.
Live and teach your son to be brave,
teach him what's right, teach him what's wrong
If you drink you won't live long.
Your son watches your every move.
He needs his father to be a positive role model.
He doesn't need to see you drinking out of that bottle.
© Tessa James (e-mail: shortie16_99 at yahoo.com), September 28, 2000. All rights reserved.
Tessa wrote this poem after witnessing a father drink on his son's first birthday.
Please do not copy a poem without first receiving permission from the poems author. Then, be sure to add the authors name, copyright date, and a link to nobac.org or the authors e-mail address or web site to your copy of the poem.
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